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Here are the most fascinating facts regarding Algeria from a vast desert covering four-fifths of the country to the world's tiniest fox.  Would you like to hear something more about the world's countries in a next pub competition? Start with these 18 fascinating Algerian facts! 1. Algeria is indeed the world's 10th largest economy in Africa.  2. The population of Algeria is thinly spread due to the size of the region. The Mediterranean coast is home to 91% of the population on just 12 % of the total land mass of the nation.  3. More than four-fifths of its Sahara Desert situated  in the region. Sahara (without the Arctic and Antarctica) is the world's greatest hot desert.  4. Algeria was independent to the ottomans from the 16th century till Algeria was annexed by France in 1830.  5. In 1962, following the destructive Algerian fight for independence from 1954 and 1962, Algeria officially became fully independent. 6. The rate of deaths differ: French historians hav



Are you trying to find Facts about the USA? The us of America is one among the most important and wealthiest countries within the world. Here’s an inventory of 25 Interesting USA facts that you simply probably didn’t know.

To make this even more fun and interesting, i would like to challenge you! What percentage of the facts about the USA does one already know? Share your end in the comment section at the top of this text.

You can also read some general information like highest mountain, biggest cities, largest lake, government and far more!

1. They won the foremost Olympic Medals of all times.

Americans are great at sports, which gets quite evident once you take a glance at their achievements. The U.S. has won the foremost Olympic Medals of all times!

In the Winter Olympic Games, Norway has won the foremost but combined with the Summer Olympic Games, the U.S. has won the foremost medals.

2. American inventions.

Throughout history, there has been countless of yank inventors who’ve come up with inventions that have changed the planet.

Some of the foremost notable inventions are the transistor, the web, the light bulb, the airplane and in fact the improved telephone by Martin Cooper.

These are just a few of the various inventions that Americans have given the planet.

3. James and Mary are the foremost common given names within the us.

If your name is James or Mary, you bought the foremost common male and feminine names. As for surname, Smith is that the commonest one. About 1% of the entire population has Smith as their surname.

4. The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia for just $7.2 million in 1867.

At just two cents per acre, the us of America bought the lands of Alaska from Russia.

5. Home to a number of the best musical artists of all time.

The Music Industry within the U.S. is huge, and globally, the bulk of the music we hear comes from America. There are numerous music superstars with origins within the USA.

Some of the best artists of all time include Presley, Jackson, Metallica, Eminem, Beyonce, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Billy Joel, Whitney Houston, Ray Charles, Madonna, Nirvana, Bruno Mars, Guns n’ Roses, Bon Jovi, Hendrix, Bruce Springsteen, Kiss, Marvin Gaye, Tupac and Sinatra just to say a couple of.

The list could continue and on because numerous hits are made by American artists, and you'll find all types of music from every genre.

6. NASA – Exploring Space.

The us of America is that the only country within the world who has set foot on the moon. NASA is that the government organization and they’re no 1 in space exploration.

7. Americans consume 3 billion pizzas in total per annum.

Pizza may arise from Italy, but the Americans sure do love their pizzas! Reports even claim that the pizzas that Americans eat a day would cover a neighborhood of 100 acres.

8. The present flag of the USA was designed by a 17-year-old.

His name was Robert G. Heft and he did it as a faculty project. He initially obtained B– for the project, but he was later awarded an A after the flag was accepted by the Congress

9. The US uses 18% of the world’s energy.

It is said that 1 American consumes an equivalent resources as 32 Kenyans. And globally, The U.S. uses almost 1/4 of the world’s energy.

10. GPS is controlled and owned by the American government and may be ‘switched off’ at any time.

One of the various interesting facts about the USA, which shows their power and influence over the planet. GPS is getting used worldwide, but I feel few people are aware that it’s controlled and owned by the American government.

They even have the likelihood to shut it down at any time.

11. One among the simplest Passports within the world.

Americans can travel the planet quite freely and that they can pride themselves with the very fact that they need one among the world’s best passports. The U.S. citizens can visit 116 countries without a visa requirement and obtain a visa on arrival in additional 44 countries.

12. The USA has the world’s biggest economy.

China is growing fast, but the U.S. Economy remains the world’s biggest when measuring GDP.

13. The very best number of entrepreneurs within the world.

The US is usually mentioned because the Land of Dreams or the Land of Opportunity. The American Dream is documented round the world, so it'd not be a surprising fact about the USA that the country is home to the very best number of entrepreneurs within the world!

Anything is feasible within the us of America!

14. Russia and therefore the USA are only 3.8km apart at the closest point.

At center of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia, the USA and Russia posses one island each which are divided by the international date line. These two islands are just 3.8 km (2.36121053 miles) aside from one another.

15. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression, and Freedom of Press.

Often mentioned as “The land of the Free” and Americans have the proper to precise themselves freely in print and speech.

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