Here are the most fascinating facts regarding Algeria from a vast desert covering four-fifths of the country to the world's tiniest fox.
Would you like to hear something more about the world's countries in a next pub competition? Start with these 18 fascinating Algerian facts!
1. Algeria is indeed the world's 10th largest economy in Africa.
2. The population of Algeria is thinly spread due to the size of the region. The Mediterranean coast is home to 91% of the population on just 12 % of the total land mass of the nation.

3. More than four-fifths of its Sahara Desert situated in the region. Sahara (without the Arctic and Antarctica) is the world's greatest hot desert.

4. Algeria was independent to the ottomans from the 16th century till Algeria was annexed by France in 1830.
5. In 1962, following the destructive Algerian fight for independence from 1954 and 1962, Algeria officially became fully independent.

6. The rate of deaths differ: French historians have estimated that about 400,000 Algerians have been killed, while government claims more than ten lakh have been killed.
7. Algeria also battled the Islamist's and the military government in a ferocious civil war during the 1990's. It has left approximately 200,000 Algerians, known as the 'dirty war,' including about 15,000 who had 'disappeared forcefully.'
8. Two Nobel Prize recipients were born in Algeria. Albert Camus received the 1957 Nobel Prize in Literature and the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Camus played as a football goalie for the University of Algiers which is thus the only university in the world to have a Nobel laureate in its team.
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Albert Camus Claude Cohen-Tannoudji |
9. The Fennec Fox is Algeria 's national animal. The fox claims to be the tiniest fox in the globe and has large ears up to 15.24 cm.

10. Seven UNESCO Sites are found in Algeria. Timgad, a Roman city from about 100 AD is among the most well-known.

11. The US military had been using Algerian camels until the 1870's. In order to transport camels to the United States from modern Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey, the Army sent a sailing ship named USS Supply.

12. In fact, while Algeria is generally covered by the Sahara Desert, the climate in Algeria is surprisingly different. But there is no rain in some regions (less than 25,4 mm a year), while in other areas the rainfall is almost 760 mm / year – more than in London. Temperatures can also be between -6° C and over 40° C.
13. During previous years, Algeria also had snowfall. For third time in 40 years, snow fell on the Sahara in 2018 and coated dunes in a 40 cm thick layer of snow.

14. In 2019, after Mauritius in 1973, Algeria was only formally recognized as the second African nation free from malaria.
15. Sheep battle is an unlawful activity in Algeria as sheep are practiced in combating one another to death. Known with in regional Algerian Arabic dialect as the "Battle taa lkbech."
16. The Africa Cup Football Championship has been won twice by Algeria. In 1990 first, then in 2019 again. In 1980, they even played again.
17. The highest minaret throughout the globe is the Djamaa El Djazir Mosque in Algeria. The mosque was established in 2019 with its 265 m high minaret.

18. The Saharan cheetah is critically endangered in Algeria. In 2008, only 250, with the highest population in Algeria, were considered to be left.

19. Ancient stone tools discovered in Algeria suggest that it might be incorrect to consider how our human ancestors existed around 26 lakh years ago. In the 2018 discovery, the first people either spread faster than commonly believed from eastern Africa or simultaneously appeared across Africa.
20. Mostly in north Africa head office near Oran in Algeria, the French Foreign Regiment seemed to be located. In 1962, however, Aubagne was transferred to France from its Legion headquarters.

21. About 99% of Algerians, mostly are Sunnis (Muslims).
22. The Algerian government took an unprecedented measure to block the Internet in 2018 after widespread cheating during school exams in 2016. Over more than two hours, mobile and fixed internet networks were shut down in the country as children were checked.
23. Visitors and associates of Algerians are also asked to have tea with them. In a cafe, one cup with a host is appropriate, but three cups are deemed traditional at someone's home.
24. Algiers, the capital of the country, is known by its whitewashed structures as 'Algiers la Blanche.'

25. Algeria is an immense exporter of fossil energy. Oil, natural gas and ammonia are more than 95% of total exports in the region.
26. It's situated in northwestern Africa as well as on the Mediterranean coast, and is also bordered on Morocco, Mauritania, Mali , Niger, Libya, and Tunisia. Algeria is the bridge to Europe and Africa.

27. Algiers and Oran are home to many big stores, such as we can see in our highways, but most cities in Algeria have a poorly developed retail business and only small family shops, farmers markets and temporary roadside stands will be visible.
28. 35% of its population is estimated to be less than 14 years of age, with just 4% being older than 65. Nevertheless, Algeria has a decent life expectancy of 76.5 years (2017).
29. While Algeria is not the leading industry in fishing, considering the Mediterranean Sea, the most important export of this country is actually oil and gas. The signature dish of Algeria is couscous, mixed in with vegetables – delicious and healthy!

30. After 1964, Algeria has won five gold medals at the summer Olympics games. Every of the 1500 meters of men and women won twice. The other included for boxing.
31. In 2007, a court in Algeria had to decide the owner of donkey which ate the cash of the purchaser for its sale.

32. Algeria is usually referred as the land of Cherries and Dates. It applies to the various weather patterns observed here: cool northern climate and dry tropical southern climate in the Sahara. Many of the finest dates on earth are known in Algeria. The dates and milk offered to visitors are generally appreciated.
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Cherries Dates |
33. Algeria is formally named after the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and its national holiday is also called the Day of the Revolution, which is the day that the final independence attempt started on 1 November of the previous decades.
34. The official religion of Algeria is Islam, and people's proselytization (advocacy or activism) of any other religion is illegal. The justice process of the Court of France and Sharia law are established.
35. While western clothing is popular, mostly urban clothing and traditional Muslim clothing is common. People wear several other aspects of traditional attire, especially women, in areas controlled by the Islamic Salvation Front. It is thought to be conservative in general, and all Algerians use modest clothing. The militant Islamist's demand women's covering and are more than ready to carry out their orders.
36. Among the Algerians, hospitality is significant. It is a mix of Arabic and French Gallic customs. Everyone is both friendly and friendly to strangers. It is polite to greet everyone, starting with the elders, in a small gathering. Handshake is popular, but it is considered rude to point your fingers to artifacts or individuals. Shouldn't be using the left hand separately: do it with the right hand or both hands when you hand it to others.
37. Speech is viewed as unpolitical in debates which are too direct and frank. Courtesy and formality are the key attributes of Algerian nationality.
38. Sex roles are clearly established in this male dominated society. Fathers take over the financial affairs while mothers care of the children and the home. (Nevertheless, many women hold vital roles in the public and private professions.) Men often meet for games like chess, checkers, and Dominoes in coffeehouses. At each other's homes women prefer to socialize.
39. Near friends and relatives frequently visit each other and need not invite or let each other know first. Additional plans are planned. It's indeed permissible to bring the host a small gift when visiting someone socially.
40. Algeria has no domestic debt and no international debt to other countries. One in four people lives poorly on less than a dollar a day. A lot of people are poor in Algeria. The Algerian Dinar is the national currency.
41. Only about 3.5 % of the land, far too little for self-feeding its people, is cultivated. Malnutrition is therefore another of the greatest health problems in the country. As per the World Bank records, 5 % of the population of Algeria is undernourished.
42. Mount Tahat has been the tallest peak in Algeria and has a height of 3,003 m. The Chelif is his longest river. It passes via the Tell Atlas from near the village of Aflou to the Mediterranean Sea, which is 700 km long.
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Mount Tahat River Chelif |
43. Sometimes named the "Plateau of River" is Algeria's Tassili National Park. There are several primeval rock art drawings in the sky, along with many archaeological sites from Neolithic times. It is a huge open sky museum. The "Aliens on the Rocks" is called in some drawings.
44. Algeria has cork as well as olive trees in the mountains and fertile north regions. There are evergreen forests which is still a home for wild boars and jackals. The warmer climates also develops numerous palm trees, agave and fig trees. The grapes come from the coastal plain.
45. Central Algeria is a area of small or dry lakes and salt ponds on the high plateaus.As you move further towards south, the drier the soil and the atmosphere. There is sparse vegetation here. The desert climate is home to rabbits, snakes, scorpions and camels.
46. Al Qal'a of Hammad is the ruins of an ancient Muslim fortified town, which gives us a true photo of life in that town. The Algiers Kasbah is an old Napoleon III Citadel visited in 1860. The Kasbah (a pronounced Casbah).

47. The Valley of M'Zab is composed of the 5 walled villages or of ksurs called Pentapolis. Tipasa, a ruined town on the Mediterranean central coast, has been transformed into a military colony by Emperor Claudius.

48. The Romanes, Germanic, Byzantine, Spanish, Turkish and French rule the country throughout Algeria's history. The country was called Numidia in its earliest days.
49. Islam and Arabic were found in Algeria in the 8th and 11th century AD. All of these have a huge effect on everyone in the Maghreb (North African) with improvements in socioeconomic ties and the building of links with a rich and developed community.
50. The historical past of Algeria is complex and conflict-ridden. More than one million Europeans have been captured and sold in North Africa as slaves. France captured and began practicing Algeria in 1830. Before 1962, France ruled Algeria.
51. During colonization, the French established the modern borders of Algeria. While France dominated the entire country, the traditional Muslim rural communities were still isolated in their country from French economic and European communities.
52. The French were known in Algeria as the colonists or the black feet and dominated the administration as well as the rest of the resources of the nation. In the 1930's, political unrest brought more restrictive laws on the people of Colon.
53. Throughout the the 1st World War and the 2nd World War the Algerian Muslims fought with the French, but between 1954 and 1962 Algeria fought with France for its bloodthirsty, long independence. This caused over a million deaths in Algeria. There were other massacres in the wars, such as guerrilla warfare, assassination, assassination and torture.
54. The modern flag of Algeria was meant to reflect very particular points. The green, which is considered to be the favorite color of the prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H), is Islam and Paradise. Red symbolizes the death and loss of all those battling for the liberation of Algeria and for democracy. White represents pureness and harmony. To order to be appropriate to a flag, the exact width to be consumed in each color is legally defined, which for an African nation is highly rare.
55. In 1980, Algeria mediated negotiations between Iran and the US to free America's hostages Iran abducted from the United states embassy. This contributed to the agreement of the Algiers Agreements and the release of prisoners.
56. The old traditions and different nationalities that have witnessed and/or controlled Algerian cuisine were influenced. The Berbers were among the first to develop couscous, the national dish. The Berbers managed to bring wheat growing. Barley as well as other grains were brought from the Romans. Through the New World came vegetables such as onions, peppers, chilies and courgette.
57. Muslim Arabs introduced the Indonesian Spice Islands with different spices, like cloves, kesar , garlic, cinnamon and nutmeg. The Spanish were followed by olives, peaches, prunes and oranges. European traders came to tea.

58. On their arrival, the French compelled the Algerians to give their land to them and their crops. The French, on their way, introduced Algerian culture and cuisine, including cocktails and their crusty long loaves of bread, which are still now eaten every day in the country.
59. The vivid mixture of Turkish, Berber, Arab and French influences and tastes today is typical Algerian cuisine. Seasonings or extremely mild tastes may be packed. Mint, flat parsley, cumin, garlic, coriander, garlic and onion are key ingredients for pantry supplies.
60. Algeria grows its own citrus fruits, oranges, cherries, figs, wheat and well-known dates, the best ones in the world for others. They can't grow enough for their men, so they have to import 45 percent of their food.
61. Three main Algerian dishes are available (one, actually, is a variety of drinks). One is couscous, a grapefruit-like dish made of grapefruit. It is a bed of poultry, beef , lamb and vegetables. It can even be a cinnamon-top dessert or other toppings.
62. Mechoui is another. It is a whole rusted lamb, packed for large group meetings and cooked on an outdoor grill. Seasoned with herbal oil, the skin is soft and juicy when inside the meat is cooked. It is usually served with fruit and vegetables and bread.

63. The favorite gift is Etzai, the mint tea famous in North Africa. For Muslims, alcohol is prohibited. Cardamom coffee is another beverage. Kids love to consume nectar with apricot. Sharbats are indeed famous with fruits or fruit-flavored milk drinks.
64. Food is eaten at a relaxed rate and is a sociable opportunity. Food such as couscous are usually eaten with the right hand thumb, index finger and ring finger. Don't use more than 3 fingers or show greed. Don't eat with the left hand that's unclean. The fact that you leave your plates a little is a indication that your host will provide you with enough care.
65. For a middle class background family the mood at the table can be a little smarter. Each guest may receive a servants or youth member of the group with a bowl of perfume water before dinner.
Algeria Flag |
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